CERN School of Computing 2014 in Portugal

The upcoming CERN school of computing in Braga, Portugal ( ) has still available places and we have extended the registration deadline until May 16th. In addition, I would appreciate, if you know potential candidates that could attend the next school, that you tell them about the extended registration so that you can help to have a fully attended school also this year.

The school in Portugal will continue to follow the tradition to bridge high performance computing and scientific analysis in High Energy Physics as well as create the best possible conditions to facilitate cross national and cross institute networking of young and promising people in the fields of Computing and Physics, with a social and sport programme that is significant. In addition, this year opening of the school (August 25th) will also be the official celebration of the CERN 60 anniversary in Portugal ( ) and it will give the students the opportunity to participate to this celebration in first person.

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Posted in Γενικού Ενδιαφέροντος
Tei Kavalas , Dasta, ESPA